Friday, August 26, 2011

Getting Ready for Irene

Mike, the boys and I spent about an hour getting the outside of the house ready for the hurricane. Most of the stuff was either taken into the garage or carefully secured. I thought Mike's duct-taping of the grill was pretty funny.
I carried what I could lift and also took down the netting around the gazebo. I also helped Mike when he put extra screws into the gazebo frame and  did whatever else I could. Mike and the boys did the heavy stuff.
Irene is supposed to be the worst hurricane we've had in decades. It's at 100 mph now and is supposed to hit late tomorrow, I believe. A lot of areas have been evacuated. We live on the North Shore so, happily, we can stay put. 
I usually do my weekly shopping on Friday when I drop Nick off for work. Frankly, I wouldn't have done it today but I realized we were out of cat food. And the kitties have to eat. So I picked up some fresh fruit, bologna and juice, too. We have plenty of food as I have a good stockpile (being a couponer). Good thing...the peanut butter shelf was empty. Honestly, you'd think it was the end of the world the way people were piling up their grocery carts. Me...just a few items. I'm proud of my stockpile! 
The only thing I don't have is D batteries. I usually buy AAAs and AAs because we use those the most. But at least my maglite takes AAs, so that's okay. I also have my mini fan in case we lose power. I hate heat. Hopefully, it will stay 'pleasant' as far as heat is concerned. It is so beautiful out today you'd never know what was coming up the coast!

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