Easter isn't the big deal around here that it was when the kids were little. We used to have so much fun doing egg hunts in the back yard. We'd invite neighbor kids and everyone would have a great time. Maybe I will do this someday with grandchildren, I hope!

Here we are in 1991, celebrating Nicky's very first Easter! He's about 10 months old. The boys look so handsome in their outfits, and isn't Katherine a pretty 7-year-old in a dress made by me? Long gone are the days we would dress up for a holiday!
I'm not doing Easter baskets this year, but Katherine will be coming over this evening to color eggs with me. That's one tradition I don't plan to give up as long as I can do it!
Today is Good Friday. Thanks to Jesus for what He did for us. I'm not a practicer, but out of respect I am trying not to eat meat today.
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