Wednesday, March 29, 2023
My Grandpa McNally
This is my Grandfather, Herbert Patrick McNally. He is Thomas Michael's (that's the new baby's name!) Great-Great-Grandfather! He is about 51 years old here.
Sunday, March 12, 2023
It's a healthy baby boy!
|Megan is due early September and Mike and I are going to have a grandson. I am SOOO over the moon happy!
We met at Catfish Annie's today and Megan and Michael had cupcakes for everyone. We had to wait until after dinner :( but I got to take the first bite to reveal the baby's gender. Kind of like a gender reveal party (I think those are dumb) but much nicer and classier.
Now I get to tell everyone the good news. I have been working on a baby blanket but now that I know it's a boy I can get started on more boy-specific things. It's going to be so much fun. I wish September wasn't so far off!
Friday, March 10, 2023
Good News and Atlantic City
Atlantic City and GOOD NEWS
Mike and I went to Atlantic City earlier this month with John and Noreen. It was 5x tier points for 2 days, meaning we are that much closer to being Diamonds in 2024. (Many more benefits.) We hoped to reach it this time around but just didn't hit so lucky. It's the first time in a few visits I didn't come home with money in my little safe that I bring.
I got a lot of free play and just kept pumping it back into the machines to get our points. Mike thinks we might have to go at least 2x more this year. Gee, shucks. I did have a good time, though.