Saturday, April 22, 2023


 Megan went for her every-other-week checkup yesterday. She ended up having some kind of procedure to make sure the baby doesn't come early. Michael said she was in a lot of pain and they might have kept her overnight. I'm going to text him in a little while to ask how things are going. I feel bad for them, but also glad that they have such a good medical team. Megan is 'high risk,' so they are really keeping watch over her!

Meantime, and importantly, Thomas Michael is doing great and Michael says he's really kicking up a storm!

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Easter Sunday

 We spent Easter Sunday at John and Noreen's, as usual. Dinner was leg of lamb. Best gravy ever!

Katherine and Andrew

Mike. Noreen in the back. Zach the dog waiting for scraps.

Noreen, John, Katherine, Andrew.

I was the one taking pictures.

Coloring Eggs 2023

 A few pics of our egg color night. 

Megan and Michael looking over an old Easter Scrapbook.

Katherine and her friend Michelle with some little Easter animals I crocheted. Katherine says my duck looks like it had lip injections.