Wednesday, March 20, 2013

St. Patrick's Day, etc.

St. Patrick's Day fell on a Sunday this year, so I told Mike I wanted to make something. I put together a platter of fruit set out like a rainbow and made turkey sliders. The sliders featured avocados, which were also an ingredient in guacamole deviled eggs I made. I was going to make grilled cheese and corned beef sandwiches, but since it was just me, Mike and Michael (the other 3 were at work) I didn't. I gave half the corned beef to Michael to take home for a Reuben sandwich.
Mike said he didn't think he'd like turkey burgers, but he really liked these. Maybe because one of the ingredients was Parmesan cheese?

I printed out some mustaches for Katherine. She had fun with them at work!
Nothing much else is new around here. Jamie bought himself a new computer desk and did a nice job rearranging his room. I met Nick's manager the other day, who told me he wished he had 3 more like Nick! Proud Mama Moment!!!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Last Snow?

We got about 5 inches the other day. I hope it is the last we see of snow until next year. The daffodils are trying to come out!

Of course I fed my birds and squirrels!

So pretty against the white snow.

Pesky, but pretty. I have heard them imitate our friendly neighborhood hawk (yes, I have a hawk that lurks nearby). Jays do that to scare away other birds so they can have all the seeds and peanuts to themselves. Piggies!

I counted 27 mourning doves! 

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Nicky at work

I met one of Nick's managers at work today. He told me he 'wished he had 3 more' like Nicky! It really made me feel proud of my son that he works so hard. It's nice to know, since he's majorly a nut at home and (sorry, but it's true) a slob. If he'd clean his room, I'd probably have a heart attack.