Thursday, October 30, 2014


Katherine called up and said she was bringing a pumpkin to carve. It was the last one in the store. I'm glad, because I never got around to buying one, not even a little one! (I can't really lift one of the big boys.)

It's a nice-size pumpkin and will look cute outside tomorrow night. Katherine free-handed a  cat and a tree. She had to use some toothpicks to hold certain pieces in place, but I think it came out great!

Of course, Mike brought the seeds and goop out for the animals to enjoy! 

Sunday, October 26, 2014


Megan is very sweet and very pretty. I bet she'll be good for Michael. I had nothing to be nervous about! She got to meet all of us, except for Nicky, who was at work.

Michael heads off for California on a business trip tomorrow. They only told him Friday! Apparently, it's an emergency and he's the only one who can fix the problem. He'll be up early tomorrow--his flight leaves at 7 a.m.!

An Important Day!

Today I get to meet Michael's girlfriend, Megan! I'm very nervous. But the house looks nice and Mike's got sauce on the stove.

More later...


We spent five days this past week visiting my mom in Ohio. We don't usually take the drive 2x a year, but she is 91 so we need to get in what time we can. Of course we went to Der Dutchmann, a favorite of my mother's. It was a much briefer visit than in July, but neither one of us likes to be away from home too long. We did enjoy the visit, including a few trips to see my Aunt Mary. She is in an assisted living place and just recently left the hospital (because of a broken hip). Mike helped fix her hearing aid.

I'm happy to say both my mother and my aunt have their 'wits' about them, although they are very much slowed down and have difficulty hearing. We aren't so sure how long my mother can live alone in her home, but I hope it is until she is no longer here. My sister is trying to straighten out her finances and Mike and Sue have both tried to get her medical insurance figured out. Fricking Obama Care...

The one scary thing is that Mom tripped over my damned suitcase and hurt her foot. Thank God by the next morning she was fine. I was up half the night thinking she'd wake up with a swollen ankle.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Wildlife and a Birthday

32 years ago, at 5:37 p.m.--just a short time from now--I gave birth to our firstborn, Michael William after about 14 hours of labor. He was born with a full head of dark, brown hair!

I sent him a text wishing him a happy birthday. We're all meeting for his birthday dinner at Catfish Annie's tomorrow. Not sure what he's doing today but I think he's either going out with his girlfriend, Megan, or with friends. I have a gift for him that I think he'll like--a book called "A Short History of Nearly Everything," which is a sort of history of science. I have a version on my NOOK that I love, but this is even better as it is illustrated. And it weighs a ton, despite being paperback!

Now, to the wildlife part of this post. It's been busy in my backyard this week. I rescued a bird from Melody and put it in a hanging planter until it was strong enough to fly. The trouble is, it couldn't get up high enough and Nutmeg got it! (I should say 'him,' because it was a male house sparrow.) Nuttie stood at the backdoor with her prize in her mouth, meowing at me. I got her to drop him and he flew off. I didn't see him again so I think he finally had enough strength to escape!

Every night about 7, the 3 baby raccoons that I call the 3 Stooges come to visit! Moe has a solid stripe at the end of his tail, Curly has sort of crossed eyes and Larry is the 3rd one. Sometimes, Moe shows up alone. They stand on their hind legs and beg when they see me. They have known me since they were babies (they are still pretty young!) and they trust me. Of course, I never try to pet them! I know they are wild animals!

Sometimes, a raccoon with no ears shows up. He seems very old but he's sweet, too. And the other night, a HUGE raccoon came to visit. He's so big he might be the father. I haven't seen Mama recently, but know her because her tail is not fluffy. Here's the big raccoon, whom I call Chubs or Chubbers:

 He's eating Frosted Flakes and has them on his nose!

I hope we never have to move. I would miss my backyard babies so much! And that includes the squirrels that come when I call them!

PS--other than Mama Raccoon, I have no idea if these are boys, girls or both!