Sunday, October 26, 2014


We spent five days this past week visiting my mom in Ohio. We don't usually take the drive 2x a year, but she is 91 so we need to get in what time we can. Of course we went to Der Dutchmann, a favorite of my mother's. It was a much briefer visit than in July, but neither one of us likes to be away from home too long. We did enjoy the visit, including a few trips to see my Aunt Mary. She is in an assisted living place and just recently left the hospital (because of a broken hip). Mike helped fix her hearing aid.

I'm happy to say both my mother and my aunt have their 'wits' about them, although they are very much slowed down and have difficulty hearing. We aren't so sure how long my mother can live alone in her home, but I hope it is until she is no longer here. My sister is trying to straighten out her finances and Mike and Sue have both tried to get her medical insurance figured out. Fricking Obama Care...

The one scary thing is that Mom tripped over my damned suitcase and hurt her foot. Thank God by the next morning she was fine. I was up half the night thinking she'd wake up with a swollen ankle.

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