Friday, December 30, 2011

A decision I've made

We interrupt this program of Christmas photos to make the following announcement:

I have given notice at work. I'm just too tired to deal with the crowds, stupid insurance nonsense, etc. I told Dr. A that I'll stay into the summer, but to start looking for someone else. I don't think she was happy, but she said she didn't blame me.

This has been weighing heavily on my  mind. I like the weekly check, small as it is. But I took this job when I was in debt and since that is no longer the case (and I have learned many ways to stay OUT of debt) I don't really need the money. I don't look forward to going in like I used to do. I despise calling dead beats who don't pay their bills most of all. And I'd really like to get back to writing again.

So that is the big step I've made. Just having given notice makes me feel 'lighter.'

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