Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Goodbye, Rocky

When we came home Saturday night, after dinner with friends, I went downstairs to let Rocky out of his cage, as usual. His sleep sack was hanging off its shelf. No big deal, since he's done this before--keeled over in his sleep like the bag was a hammock. Sadly, though, this time he keeled over because he'd passed away.

Rocky was very, very old. I can't remember if we got him before or after Shadow, but he was at least 7. Pretty good for a ferret. He's been on his 'way out' for a long time now so, while I'm a little sad, this was not the devastating surprise Shadow's death had been. He is now buried in the back yard. RIP Rocky.

On the human front, I finally got around to having a tooth pulled Monday. It's a broken tooth that was leftover from a lost crown. I've needed to do this for a long time and am glad to have it out of the way. I almost didn't make it because I took a fall in my bedroom the night before and smashed hard against the bathroom door frame. I have a bruise on my shoulder to show for it, but the pain was all down my arm and into my fingers, so I was afraid I'd broken/sprained/bruised something. Sat with an ice bag all Monday morning until it was time to go. I'm glad I didn't cancel the appointment. At least the tooth pulling is out of the way--except for an achy jaw and stitches. My arm is fine, thank God. Having numb fingers after a fall is scary.

Especially since it was my right arm!

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