Monday, July 11, 2011


I have a condition that is either "Sacroiliitis" or  "Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction" depending on which doctor you talk to. It is a very bad localized pain in my lower back that is NOT sciatica. Sometimes it feels like someone is stabbing me with a dull knife.

I have had shots in my spine and physical therapy. I've even gone to chiropractic, God save us. Nothing helps. And I can't take naproxen because it hurts my stomach. I was very sick (to the point where I went to the hospital for 3 days) years ago with stomach pain and it finally turned out I had an ulcer. I'm sure the anti-inflammatories gave me that.

So I get all excited when I see a  new medicine made for people with joint pain who also have stomach problems--only to find out from Dr. B that it's been recalled. But it's basically just naproxen coated with omaprazole. So she gives me a scrip for the meds separate from each other. I took the Om. for a few days as per instructions before I started with the Naproxen.

The combo didn't upset my stomach but unfortunately gave me a terrible case of constipation. I did some research and it turns out both meds cause this problem. So much for that idea. I'm about to give up.

I called a new doctor that Dr. B said might be able to help me, but can't see her for 2 weeks. Meantime I just don't know what to do. I'm f-ing sick of this.

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