My life is not very exciting, which is exactly how I like it. We live comfortably, but below our means. We have virtually no debt. Mike has been retired and doing consulting work for about 8 months now, and I swear he has more work now than he did when he was employed with a company! He has 30 years experience under his belt so he is sought after for his expertise.
The kids are doing fine, although half of them probably wish they were doing something else besides the jobs they have. Damned Affordable Care Act meant their hours got cut. Katherine did not get her promotion, but is going out of state for a few days to learn about a new computer system. Then she gets to come back and teach everyone else. That means a bit of time away from annoying customers.
I still have Rocky the Ferret, who seems to be some kind of vampire. I have no idea how old he is, just that he's OLD. So are the cats, who are half senile at this point. Shadow is middle-aged and still thinks he's part rottweiler. The other part is a cuddly bunny but don't tell him that.
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